Greetings All ~
We are needing soft voices and good humor—neutrality and love. We are needing to acknowledge that the current condition of the lines of communication are overloaded, fragile and worn bare.
I recently had a conversation with someone very dear to me that surprisingly went rapidly south. I was completely taken aback. Not only by this person's reaction, but also by the depth and breadth of it. IT. WAS. BIG. I managed to ride it out and get to a more peaceful talking place and end the call on cooler, loving terms. But it took all I had. I had been attacked and shouted down by someone who I know loves me and who I love just as much. I was not only confused by how they were speaking but also worried by what they were saying. And I was hurt, and pissed. Oy!
Several others I know have told me about similar incidents of unexpected, if not undesirable, interactions. I see it happening nationally and globally as well. And no matter which side folks are landing on, each is as angry and suspicious as the other. It's as if the nervous system of the human race is exposed—like a bare wire.
It's based in fear, I know. And I am trying not to let others' reactive, fear-based behavior make me fearful. (The Lines Are Down—Use Caution!) Many of us grew up tip-toeing and walking on eggshells. We should be experts, right? But the fact is, it is exhausting in its unpredictability. It's hell on the old self-esteem, and generally, has a no-win outcome.
It took me a bit of time to recover. I used the tools of breath, gratitude and music. I spoke to neutral, understanding friends and family. I said a prayer for them, me and the world. It was a chance to practice undivided compassion, or at least try. These methods are healing. They bolster my courage. They provide a pause in a neutral space to be kinder and more intelligent rather than circling the wagons of reaction.
I'm pretty sure this will occur again (I may even be the one on the other side). I don't want to be frightened or angry with people. I want to love them, anyway. And, I want to be who I am without penalty by cultivating and exploring a softer version of me.
I offer the mantra below. It is soothing and said to clear negative thoughts.
Link to "Hare Re Gura Re" on my album Universe Unmanifest
All Good Things,
Vicky Rose