Jap Dharam Rose is a KRI certified Level 2 teacher and has been teaching for 13 years. She's also a certified Khalsa Way Prenatal and Light Leaders Children's Yoga teacher.
Having been a teacher of one thing or another most of her adult life, it was during Teacher Training at Golden Bridge LA that Jap Dharam realized that teaching Yoga was what she was meant to do.
Since then, it has been her great pleasure and passion to have taught people of all ages, conditions, and walks of life. As Jap Dharam has done so, she has continued her study of yoga, mantra, and meditation with annual trips to India, seva with various masters at ashrams and monasteries to facilitate a deep practice of mantra and sound current.
The links to yoga studios and websites listed here are important to Jap Dharam's personal and professional practice. She hopes that you will enjoy them.
www.cdbaby.com Download Jap Dharam’s albums here
www.thomasbarquee.com Thomas Barquee
www.foodcyclela.org Donate here to feed those in need
www.doctorswithoutborders.org Donate here
www.yogalastudios.com Echo Park/Los Angeles yoga studio
www.theyogitree.com Los Angeles/Toluca Lake yoga studio
www.goldenbridgeyoga.com Golden Bridge Global
www.krishnakaur.org 10th Gate Yoga/Y.O.G.A. for Youth
www.yogaforyouth.org Y.O.G.A. for Youth
www.ganeshagems.net Personal gemstone creations
www.carrieelizabethhirsch.com Interpretive Portrait Artist