March 29, 2021
Greetings All ~
I always love the big energy this Spring Moon brings. It gets everyone going.
The Hindus celebrate Holi. Named for Holika, a female demon and sister of King Hiranyakashayap. The roots of the festival lie in a Hindu parable of good triumphing over evil. It also celebrates eternal and divine love and welcomes Spring. While best known in the West as the Festival of Colors, the night before this celebration is traditionally spent in a cleansing fire ritual and puja.
The Mayahana Buddhists celebrate Avalokiteshvara's birthday aka Guanyin. It is said the Sun and Moon are born from the eyes, the Earth from the feet, and the Sky from the stomach of this infinite-armed bodhisattva representing the Perfection of Compassion.
The Jews celebrate Passover during the reign of this moon. For them it is a ritual of remembrance for having (not) been chosen by the Angel of Death as the great plagues of Egypt raged. Subsequently, they were led out of slavery by Moses.
The Christians begin their Holy Week at this time as well. It starts with Palm Sunday, celebrating Christ's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem and ending with his resurrection one week later on Easter.
By the way, the word Easter is derived from the name of a pagan Goddess Eostre~goddess of Spring, otherwise known as Ishtar, Ostara or Austra.
I haven't even scratched the surface here! There are more Native American, African and Aboriginal traditions which are in need of exploring.
The further back one digs into various traditions, the more a collective spiritual consciousness comes into focus. The participation of the Divine Feminine is more evident. Thanks to the interweb, we are now in a time of transparency, when the manifestation of this power is reappearing. As women of the world are rising, the Mother is showing up. It's notabout gender. It's a vibration of certain ideas and actions we all carry. They bring unity,creation,creativityandcompassionrather than division, destruction, dogma or hate.
For the next two weeks, this full moon in Libra (the Scales), heavily influenced by Chiron (the Wounded Healer) and Venus (Goddess of Love), is giving us the opportunity to consider balancing our collective, self-inflicted pain with the healing powers of compassion for those who have been oppressed.
A global transition worthy of meditation.
All Good Things,
VickyJap Dharam Rose