Greetings All ~
Sometimes the next step is a leap of faith.
I've always liked that saying. It floated its way in while I was looking to make a big change. I'm taking a break from teaching. But intellect demanded research; which is ironic considering the phrase's sentiment.
“...many believers would call up Kierkegaard's famous phrase, the 'leap of faith,' pictured perhaps as a leap from here to there. "to be continued...
(Ha! How did the venerable Kierkegaard end up on spiritually hip greetings cards? It's cute until the rest is realized.)
"...What is usually overlooked, however, is that Kierkegaard said nothing about a safe landing; there was only the leap, and no guarantee of solid ground beyond it." - James Carse
The full thought. The philosophy in its completeness—or, maybe I should say, its non-completeness.
I've been teaching Kundalini Yoga steadily for the last 14 years; practicing for 17. It has become a big part of my identity. So many know me as Jap Dharam rather than by my given name, Victoria Rose. I've recorded 6 albums of mantra—another identifier—under that spiritual tag. Until recently, many hadn't even seen me without a head wrap. A majority of my many travels have been anchored by or centered around the yoga. Before that I was an elementary school teacher, and before that I was coach to my sons' soccer and basketball teams, and before that I taught horseback riding. All of these pursuits involved trainings—lots of trainings. So I was a student, but always with becoming a teacher in mind.
You may ask, what's the attraction to the leap?
It's the "no structure" of it. It's the not knowing and going anyway. Like going off the high cliff at the local quarry.
You just do it.
The Leap. Will it be like Wile E. Coyote, anvil in hand, cartoon-wind whistling in my ears on a fast way down? Or will it be a fledgling's first launch to a sweet flight, updrafts under my soul and soaring until a safe landing is found? Maybe it's just a short hop?
Exploring the experience of simple study it is too strong a call to deny.
I don't know whether to say, "See you on the other side," or "I'll be back."
I do know I'll be seeing you.
Feel free to contact me for any questions or any fun you may be up to. Special thanks to that mighty group that routinely showed up on Zoom this last year-and-a half of the pandemic. The best students are the teacher's best teachers.
Write to you next week!
All Good Things,
Vicky Rose