Greetings All ~
There are these two most observable celestial bodies in our sky—the Sun and the Moon. All the beings on this Earth, even the Earth herself, are affected by their orbits, gravities and, most importantly, their emissions of light. Plants go through their annual cycles based on the length of days. Birds and fish also start their migrations based on it. Hibernating animals and reptiles determine winter naps and spring awakenings the same way. For farmers, planting and harvesting aren't just about the frost or the cold. It's primarily about available light. Even though I live in a no-frost zone here in SoCal, I've learned that growing tomatoes through the winter is only really worthwhile with the help of artificial light (which, by-the-way, I don't bother with).
Our particular species has anthropomorphized the Sun and the Moon from the beginning. The human ego needs to portray something as human to make it more relatable. It's just how we're wired. In many culture's origin stories, the Sun and the Moon have a name, a personality and a big hand in the creation of the whole shebang. In these characterizations, the Sun's energy is often portrayed as masculine. It is a strong, direct light—ejaculatory, if you will. The Moon's energy is construed as feminine— a more reflective light, a soft holding, that can be seen as gestational. The Sun is energizing, even demanding. He can burn you. And it's there every day. The Moon, on the other hand, offers guidance in dark times. She is cool, and provides rest by virtue of her cycle of withdrawing and returning. And you'll never get a moonburn.
We are now in what I hope is the peak time of very direct and demanding energies. You know them: information overload, disease, climate change, war, economic strain. All have been fed and watered by the masculine energy of a dominant patriarchal structure that's been in play the last few thousand years.
To be clear, I'm not blaming men. There was an agreement, perhaps coerced, to try things the "masculine" way. Think Queen Victoria or the Empress Catherine the Great. Yet there have been enough men to help hold the space for a rejiggering. We know many of them. The Dalai Lama says, "Change will come through the Western woman." He has said he would like his next incarnation to be that of a woman—the feminine.
The waning cycle of the feminine is turning and starting to wax. She provides a guiding light to take humankind out of the dark. She has held her own and is on the return. Perhaps a larger cycle of some mega-moon is working out there somewhere. I'm not an astrologer. I'm not a sage. I'm not even that smart. But, I have been searching for, and found, what I believe is our saving grace.
The Sun can give us the masculine energy to push through these difficult times. But it needs to be balanced with that of the Moon's sweet, reflective feminine way. And she's on the rise. Tap into the power of her softer touch. It allows us to take a much needed breath and break. Then, we have time to love and understand one another, even if we don't agree. We have time to sort through our part in what has already happened, and apply that to our future.
I realize this writing isn't my "normal" share. But my hope, love and enthusiasm for all of us lies in a bigger picture; a broader scope.
link to Lunar Lullaby on my album Lila: at Play with God
Warmth of the Sun and Love of the Moon to you.
All Good Things,
Vicky Rose