Greetings All ~
Polarity is what holds us together. It may seem counter-intuitive. The constant resistance and attraction of the negative and positive poles of Earth's electromagnetism is what keeps it from dispersing into space.
And so it is with little us. We each have an electromagnetic field. Even different parts of our bodies have sub-fields. In many non-Western medical modalities, a whole system of chakras is recognized. Then there are other non-physical parts of our anatomy such as the aura, the arcline, the mind, and our very soul.
Each of these parts of us have negative and positive energies, and are also affected by the energies that enter their fields. It sounds pretty cut and dried. But it's not. Being humans with a mind that can focus on fear, anger or loneliness (to name a few) can take us to very hopeless places—what we can call the negative pole. That same mind can be directed to carry us to the positive pole of joy, compassion and inclusion.
I do not pretend to live a life of tribulation. I and my family have remained relatively healthy. I live a life of financial ease and ethnic privilege. But I do not remain untouched by the events that seem to be heaped on humanity right now. Each wave of negativity seems to be overtaken by the next before there's been a chance to get one's footing.
Where's the good stuff?
The answer kinda pisses me off. As usual, it's Within.
Really, at any moment, we can only rely on ourselves to create the positive vibes. But, it feels so much harder now when we, as a species, are reaping the harvest of previous choices (many of which were based on the negative). Did we personally make those choices? Nope. Most probably, we weren't in the boardrooms or the generals' meetings. But, our Western quality of life has benefitted from them. Running water. Electricity at the flick of a switch. Technological convenience. And so many other things we take for granted day to day. Our exchange for these benefits is a responsibility to now level the playing field—especially in our overwhelm, even in our fatigue.
Gratitude is the great equalizer. I can gain strength; catch my emotional and spiritual breath, through a commitment to gratitude. Sometimes it's merely reminding myself that I'm still drawing healthy breath. Other times it's striving to cut my use of plastics, water and fuel consumptions in half, and hoping I've made a difference—doing the pole dance and realizing this life isn't the enemy, but a chance to make things right.
Here is a beautiful breathing opportunity called the Box Breath. It can be used to clear the anatomy of negativity and supply positivity. And it's just a great de-stresser!
I use the LAYA YOGA for timing.
And, of course, I am continually grateful for all of you!
All Good Things,
Vicky Rose