Greetings All ~
Have you ever been looking for your glasses and found them on top of your head? Or, on that first chilly morning in the fall you put on a resurrected sweater and find a twenty-dollar bill in the pocket? Little reminders that what you need is already with you.
Skipping forward to a desired outcome—some perceived success—merely creates insecurity about the future. Acknowledging what you have in the now allows for a next phase to naturally occur; even when it seems that you haven't much to start with.
One thought, one brushstroke, one little melody, one sentence, one step, one breath, one heartbeat. Each is enough to start. You don't need a warehouse of resources to move ahead. In fact, too much can weigh you down. Too much can clutter your field of vision. Resources will make themselves known at the right time and in the right amount.
However, that attitude, that modus operandi, can be difficult to maintain. My mind will rev-up and race, fueled by overwhelm or fear. While I can't always prevent that, I'm lucky to have developed enough of a practice that I can downshift before I crash and burn (most of the time).
There are several practices I have used over the years to address this. Here is one that I was attracted to because of its name "Removing the Fear of the Future."
Two versions I enjoy for the mantra indicated are "Miracles" by Dev Suroop on her Sahej: Peaceful Acceptance album, or "The Miracle of Surrender" by Jai-Jagdeesh on her Miracles Abound: Meditations for Transformation album.
Let us sit still and tap into the comfort of knowing we, ourselves, are enough.
All Love surround you,
Vicky Jap Dharam Rose