Through the radiance of your auric field, pass the power of your prayer on to another person, to the country, to all nations and to those innocents who have lost their lives. Through prayer, we actively influence the connective consciousness, systematically penetrating the decisions of all Heads of State, to act with wisdom rather than emotion.” Yogi Bhajan
On 9/12/2001, the day after the 9/11 attacks, Master Yogi Bhajan gave us “Meditation for Healing & Peace.” It is as relevant now as it was then, and, perhaps, even more so.
Join Jap Dharam and friends for a bit of yoga and a lot of chant on the eve of the first full moon of 2017 (1/12/17 -3:34 A.M. PST) to begin a 40-day practice. You will work together to create a space where all can feel Peace and Victory, and give ourselves the strength to carry it into the world to aid and uplift others.
Wednesday, January 11: Women’s Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with Normandie/Dharam Prakash and Jap Dharam at Golden Bridge Yoga, Santa Monica, 10:45 A.M.-12:15 P.M.
Wednesday, January 11: Kundalini Meditation with Jap Dharam and Amy/Sajjan Kaur at Golden Sol, Los Feliz, 6:30-7:45 P.M.
“Practice this meditation for 40 days…[it} will begin a very sacred time period in your life…40 days will set up this new vibration in the very essence of your being, and you will be your own gift to yourself.” Yogi Bhajan
The Most Powerful Way to Show Your Support At This Time is Through PRAYER
Tap into that Energy which gives us strength, knowledge and contentment. Then become a channel for that Healing Energy. Prayer is the only True Power of the Human.
When you pray, you are not praying to somebody. Prayer always vibrates from the rhythmic beat of the heart. One who taps into the Greatness of the Unknown, who touches it, feels it, experiences it, is called a Living Prayer. When somebody attacks and tries to hurt us, instead of getting mad or sad, send the vibrations of peace to the universe. The amount of energy you consume when you react in anger or hurt is very harmful to your life force.
Within us there lives the most calm, serene lake of wisdom. It is the most beautiful, powerful pond of kindness, compassion, and clarity. Let’s find it, feel it, and let’s dive deep into it within ourselves.
Practice 40 Days for Healing of the Planet/Given by Yogi Bhajan PhD, 9-12-01
Posture: Sit tall with a straight spine. Pull the chin slightly in, chest out, shoulders relaxed. Place the hands in prayer pose at the center of the chest. Press the two palms firmly together.
Eyes: Roll your eyes upward, and inward, to the middle of your forehead. Look at your 3rd eye point.
Mantra: The healing mantra, “Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hung,” is used to bring healing to yourself and to others. It is a very powerful sound current and has immediate effects.
Ra = Sun, Ma = Moon, Da = Earth, Sa = Infinity, Say = Totality of experience, So Hung = “I am Thou”. The mantra is available on the Meditation for Healing and Peace Facebook page or on Soundcloud
12 minutes – Chant Out Loud
5 minutes – Chant in a whisper
1 minute – Be in Silence
Focus: Imagine you are sitting atop a tall mountain, overlooking the whole of humanity, and are sending waves of peace to the entire globe. The power of your soul is very pure. Let the power of your soul vibrate out.
To End: Inhale deeply, and give this breath to those who need it. Exhale & relax.
Practice this meditation for 40 days. These next 40 days will begin a very sacred time period in your life. This powerful mantra will help to soothe, cleanse and purify your mind, and will set up a positive force flowing through you, which you can then use to help heal and uplift others, near and far. Remember, if you miss a day, the next day begins over with Day One. A consistent practice for 40 days will set up this new vibration in the very essence of your being, and will be your own gift to yourself.