Greetings All ~
Cynicism, skepticism, mistrust and fear of the future often spring from our Ego's idea that there is a final outcome to events in life—that somewhere the timeline ends. That WE, ourselves, become a finished product. Yet the claim is we're Infinite.
Did life just stop being a joy or a struggle when the mortgage was paid or that relationship began? Did the 40-day meditation bring you closer to some sort of resolution? Or did it, along with each and every word or action simply serve to present you with Infinity?
We're alreadyinInfinity. The Universe non-judgmentally allows us as many lifetimes needed to complete karmic obligations. These are neither lessons nor punishments, as so often characterized. They are merely uncompleted cycles. Things you said you would do, but didn't. Vicky said she'd do a certain meditation for 90 days and then didn't. But it's ok. She'll just do it or its equivalent some other time, or even another lifetime.
It's easy to keep agreements when someone else is watching and accounting, but most agreements broken are those made with ourselves.This reneging comes from our Ego's attachment to the illusion of a final outcome and its distraction withmaya. It can sway us from our path (which, by the way, can also be an illusion).
Following the song of your Soul, that joyous jump in the heart, signals you are acting in dharma—actions that preclude the incurring of karma.
And guess what? When all the earthly agreements are completed, the Infinite part of us moves on. But with the investment the Ego has in this world, wecouldthink we're complete. However, we exist forever and beyond the fulfillment ofkarma.
I cannot begin to tell you how relaxing it was, realizing I didn't have to finish everything in this lifetime. For awhile it made me lazy, until my soul started clamoring for attention. I hit a bottom and got my act together again, this time practicing for the Soul (dharma), not the Ego (karma). Ego will elbow its way in, and sometimes I just let it. But now I'm more aware of it. That's the purpose of karma, to bring awareness to dharma.
The Bandhana Kriya is a pranayam practice that helped me to clarify the relationships of Soul/Ego anddharma/karma to Infinity.
Bandhana Kriya
Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Press your hands together in an active Prayer Mudra (as above). The hands must be exactly pressed together, the fingers must be exactly fitted against each other, the thumbs fully connected, and palms perfectly pressed together. The eyes are 9/10ths closed with a line of vision paralleling the nose—with an eye on each nostril, not the tip of the nose (unusual, and important). Inhale deeply, hold the breath in, and mentally chant Wahe Guru eight times. Then exhale completely, hold the breath out, and mentally chant Wahe Guru eight times in the same rhythm and rate. Continue 31 minutes.
I'd love to know how this or any other practice has helped you.
Lend a hand, but take care of yourself. Relax, but meditate and practice.
All Good Things,
Vicky Jap Dharam Rose